Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28

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Odborná literatura o SD a participaci mladých
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On the 28 March 2017, the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) has published a noteworthy report entitled “Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28”. The study is focused on projects relating to media services delivered on electronic communication networks, both linear and non-linear, and on information services where pertinent, excluding from its scope press, radio and off-line media. As regards to its material scope, the EAO report lists only media literacy actions that have taken place outside schools. This study has been commissioned to the EAO by the European Commission and co-authored by Martina Chapman, Director of Mercury Insights, who has examined all the data previously gathered by the EAO and transformed it in a comparative analysis. As for the methodology used for the preparation of the report, a questionnaire was sent to national experts in each EU country who have been asked to identify 20 significant media literacy projects in their country and to provide more analytical information on the five most significant of them. The latters have been used for a case-study research. The responses were afterwards cross-checked with the members of the EU Media Literacy Expert Group (MLEG) and presented during its yearly meeting in November 2016.